Neighborhood Effects on Social Participation of Children With and Without Disabilities

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Mansha Mirza
Yoonsang Kim


social participation, children, neighborhood effects


Few studies have examined how neighborhood characteristics affect the social participation of children with and without disabilities. Analysis of survey data from 20 low-income U.S. neighborhoods confirmed that neighborhood safety and stability influence social participation. Furthermore, children with disabilities have lower odds of social participation, though disparities vary by location.

Abstract 1246 | PDF Downloads 162 Word Downloads 176 Text Downloads 160 Abstract - Neighborhood effects on social participation of children with and without disabilities Downloads 0 Cover letter - Neighborhood effects on social participation of children with and without disabilities Downloads 0 Title page and biographical statements - Neighborhood effects on social participation of children with and without disabilities Downloads 0 Figure - Barriers to social participation by child's disability status Downloads 0 Table - Descriptive summary of neighborhood characteristics Downloads 0 Table - Odds of social participation for children without disabilities versus children with disabilities by place of residence Downloads 0


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