Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal - Volume 9 Issue 1

This is Volume 9, Issue 1 from 2013.

Published: 2014-09-17


Editorial: Do I Have to Like It?

Megan A. Conway
Abstract 514 | PDF Downloads 60 Word Downloads 98 Text Downloads 114

Research Articles and Essays

Background Social Structures and Disability Discrimination in the United States and Canada

Mark C. Weber
Abstract 1049 | PDF Downloads 242 Word Downloads 95 Text Downloads 124

Disability, Able-Bodiedness, and the Biopolitical Imagination

Thomas Jordan
Abstract 1527 | PDF Downloads 521 Word Downloads 134 Text Downloads 224


DVD Review:Down Under Mystery Tour Educational Pack

Martha Guinan
Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 80 Word Downloads 82 Text Downloads 119

Disability Studies Dissertation Abstracts

Abstract 215 | PDF Downloads 69 Word Downloads 104 Text Downloads 137