Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal - Volume 1 Issue 3

Published: 2014-12-24

Research Articles and Essays

“Colorless in a Rainbow:” An African American Female with Albinism in the Hawaii Public School System

Kimetta R. Hairston
Abstract 286 | PDF Downloads 153 Word Downloads 97 Text Downloads 139


Introduction: Disability Studies Meets Special Education

Megan A. Conway
Abstract 740 | PDF Downloads 283 Word Downloads 117 Text Downloads 167

Reflections on Inclusion: Integrating the Disabled Self

G. Denise Lance
Abstract 583 | PDF Downloads 120 Word Downloads 98 Text Downloads 100

Who is Disabled? Who is Not? Teachers Perceptions of Disability in Lesotho

Christopher J. Johnstone
Abstract 503 | PDF Downloads 163 Word Downloads 116 Text Downloads 166

Spaces of Education: Finding a Place that Fits

Nancy Hansen
Abstract 521 | PDF Downloads 110 Word Downloads 98 Text Downloads 112

Education in the Prevention of Social Exclusion

Markku Jahnukainen
Abstract 488 | PDF Downloads 213 Word Downloads 91 Text Downloads 126

Disability in Greece: Social Perception and Educational Policies

Stathis Balias, Pandelis Kiprianos
Abstract 837 | PDF Downloads 620 Word Downloads 101 Text Downloads 117

Creative Works


Book Review: Implementing the Social Model of Disability: Theory and Research

Liat Ben-Moshe
Abstract 654 | PDF Downloads 134 Word Downloads 88 Text Downloads 93

Book Review: Deaf Side Story: Deaf Sharks, Hearing Jets, and a Classic American Musical

Alex Lubet
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 96 Word Downloads 95 Text Downloads 93

Book Review Title: The Labor Market Experience of Workers with Disabilities: The ADA and Beyond

Cal Montgomery
Abstract 246 | PDF Downloads 72 Word Downloads 85 Text Downloads 102

Book Review: Damned for Their Difference: The Cultural Construction of Deaf People as Disabled

Albert B. Robillard
Abstract 366 | PDF Downloads 91 Word Downloads 88 Text Downloads 91

Notes from the Field

Disability Classics: Dee [Lesneski] Says

Josie Byzek
Abstract 156 | PDF Downloads 67 Word Downloads 91 Text Downloads 103