The Review of Disability Studies (RDS) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that is targeted towards any person interested in disability studies. We have readers and authors from all over the world. We accept submissions in English of a scholarly nature covering a range of disciplines within disability studies as well as creative works expressing ideas in the area of disability. Submit a proposal to be published in the next #RDSJ at

Published: 2021-07-01


Global Perspectives Editorial

Hemachandran Karah, Sona Kazemi
Abstract 281 | PDF Downloads 142 WORD Downloads 147

Editorial: Lessons Not Lost

Raphael Raphael
Abstract 205 | PDF Downloads 109 WORD Downloads 148

Research Articles and Essays

DPO membership has immediate transactional benefits as well as personal impact

Nicole Butcher, Prerana Singh, Nathan Grills, Fairlene Soji
Abstract 8103 | PDF Downloads 184 WORD Downloads 192

“Nothing About Us Without Us”: Involving People with Dementia in Qualitative Research

Margaret Oldfield
Abstract 1806 | PDF Downloads 492 WORD Downloads 171

Creative Works

Poems by Glenn Merrilees

Glenn Merrilees
Abstract 171 | PDF Downloads 117 WORD Downloads 150

Global Perspective on Disability Studies

A Theatre Production by Acid Attack Survivors

Sona Kazemi
Abstract 262 | PDF Downloads 129 WORD Downloads 126


Book Review: Jasbir K. Puar's The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability

Ian Hosbach
Abstract 806 | PDF Downloads 494 WORD Downloads 184

Notes from the Field

Hello from PHAME Academy

Jenny Stadler
Abstract 148 | PDF Downloads 86 WORD Downloads 124

Summer 2021 Disability and Diversity Calendar: Calls, Awards, Conferences

Genesis Leong
Abstract 210 | PDF Downloads 161 WORD Downloads 141

RDS Journal Call for Proposals Special Issue: Disability and Film and Media

Beth A. Haller, Lawrence Carter-Long
Abstract 394 | PDF Downloads 133 WORD Downloads 142

Disability Activism and Advocacy Resources: We Can Do This

Pat Morrissey
Abstract 215 | PDF Downloads 102 WORD Downloads 144

Course Announcement: Literary and Cultural Disability Studies: An Exploration

Hemachandran Karah
Abstract 367 | PDF Downloads 123 WORD Downloads 130

Dissertations and Abstracts

Abstract 903 | PDF Downloads 98 WORD Downloads 141