Governor Appoints Dr. Kiriko Takahashi to Hawaiʻi State Council on Developmental Disabilities

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Genesis Leong


CDS, Center on Disability Studies, Hawaii, UCEDD, AUCD, DD Council


News Release - Honolulu, Hawaiʻi - On March 31, 2021, the Hawaiʻi Senate voted to approve Governor David Ige’s recommendation (GM581) to appoint Dr. Kiriko Takahashi to serve as a member of the Hawaiʻi State Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD Council).

Effective immediately until June 20, 2022, she will join the 28 Governor appointed members that include individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, parents, family members and representatives from public and private agencies that serve this population. Established by state and federal law as an independent agency, the mission of the DD Council is to empower, advocate, and support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities statewide to control their own destiny and determine the quality of life they desire.

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