Toward a Global History of Inclusive Travel

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Laurel Van Horn
José A. Isola


inclusive travel, disability movement history, accessible travel


This paper provides an overview of the development of inclusive travel and tourism, from its origins in the United States and Europe following World War I and II to its current status as an increasingly important and viable movement worldwide.  The paper investigates the key roles played by disability organizations, disability rights legislation, technological change, international organizations and pioneers within the travel and tourism industry.  Developments are described sector by sector for air travel, ground transport, the cruise lines and the hospitality industry.  While the primary historical focus is the U.S., the paper also highlights advances taking place in Dubai, Egypt, India, Japan, South Africa, Thailand and other countries.  It concludes with a case study by José Isola of the development of inclusive travel in Peru.  Mr. Isola also describes disability conferences that took place in South America in 2004.  It is hoped others will begin to investigate the development of inclusive travel in their own countries and regions and contribute to a truly global history.

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