Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal - Volume 4 Issue 1

We are pleased to include in this issue the first half of a forum on music guest edited by Alex Lubet and Na’ama Sheffi.  The second half of the forum will appear in the next issue of RDS, volume 4, issue 2.  Thank you Alex and Na’ama for an excellent and comprehensive forum!

Published: 2014-11-28


Sounds of Progress in the Academy: An Emerging Creative Partnership

Peggy Duesenberry, Raymond MacDonald
Abstract 383 | PDF Downloads 139 Word Downloads 140 Text Downloads 181

The Gift

Henry Kingsbury
Abstract 210 | PDF Downloads 112 Word Downloads 180 Text Downloads 162

Robert Ashley and the Tourettic Voice

Gavin Steingo
Abstract 677 | PDF Downloads 187 Word Downloads 123 Text Downloads 132

Life and Livelihood: Musicians Coping with Breast Cancer

Sarah Schmalenberger
Abstract 500 | PDF Downloads 244 Word Downloads 136 Text Downloads 157


Book Review: Sounding Off: Theorizing Disability in Music

Kevin Schwandt
Abstract 625 | PDF Downloads 116 Word Downloads 126 Text Downloads 142

Music Review: Nutters with Attitude

Lizzie Walker
Abstract 752 | PDF Downloads 105 Word Downloads 118 Text Downloads 161

Book Review: The Truth of Music: Empire, Law, and Secrecy

Sarah Schmalenberger
Abstract 180 | PDF Downloads 161 Word Downloads 108 Text Downloads 113