The Role of Teachers who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing in the Field of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Education

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Holly Pedersen
Diane Gard
Monica Soukup
Mary Huston


Deaf, education, multicultural education


There is a diversity gap between teachers of students who are deaf and hard of hearing and the students that they teach. Teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing who are deaf or hard of hearing themselves are underrepresented in the profession. Within a multicultural educational framework, evidence supports the benefits of diversity for all students. Further, some research suggests that teachers with disabilities bring a unique lived experience to the students they teach both with and without disabilities. Little research exists specifically addressing teachers who are deaf or hard of hearing in the field of deaf education. This qualitative survey study explored the perceptions of fifty teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing who are deaf or hard of hearing themselves regarding their role and value in the profession. Through electronic open-ended interview questions and qualitative thematic analysis, the findings are discussed in length with comparisons and suggested solutions.  Implications of the findings as well as recommendation for future action are discussed.

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