Enacted Assessment of Disability Support: A “Lived” Method for Assessing Student Life

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E. Duff Wrobbel
Sarah Vanslette
Tiffany Eickhoff


split-screen analysis, post secondary education, mobility impairment


How does an institution assess the experiences of only one one-thousandth of its overall population?  And how does it assess something as non-discrete as “student experience”?  In the on-going efforts to assess the quality of life for mobility-impaired students on a mid-sized residential campus, the authors built upon focus group research that identified areas of both success and shared concern by developing a novel form of video-based assessment utilizing split-screen analysis.  This analysis was neither especially time-consuming, nor especially expensive, nor particularly difficult to conduct, yet produced immediate, valuable, and useful data.


To view supplemental material that accompanies this article, the video, "Enacted Assessment of Disability Support: A "Lived" Method for Assessing Student Life," click here.

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