Fostering the Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Skills of College Students with Disabilities through a College Success Class

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Peg Lamb


self-determination, self-advocacy, postsecondary success


Students with disabilities are entering postsecondary education in greater numbers; however, they experience great difficulty in completing their programs.  One factor contributing to their lack of success is the discrepancy in the laws that govern educational support in secondary and postsecondary education.  An additional factor is limited development of self-determination/self-advocacy skills when students exit high school.  Bridges, a National Science Foundation three-year transition project, piloted a College Success Class at Lansing [Michigan] Community College with the dual purpose of supporting student transition to college and developing self-determination and self-advocacy skills.  Data suggests that through classroom activities and follow-up meetings, students developed a greater understanding of these concepts, more confidence, and the ability to advocate with college instructors for their accommodations.

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