Case Studies that Illustrate Achieving Career Success in Postsecondary Education through Self-Determination and Problem-Solving Skills

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Peter W. Dowrick
Elizabeth Evans Getzel
Lori W. Briel


post secondary education, career planning, students with disabilities, self-determination, problem solving


Conditions for students with disabilities in postsecondary education are improving and numbers are increasing.  The potential for better outcomes may well be addressed through personal examples of effective support and accommodations.  This article presents three case studies across a spectrum of conditions.  These adults, with sensory, emotional, and/or cognitive disabilities, were 29 to 44 years of age, with a variety of life choices.  They sought participatory guidance and support from a program at Virginia Commonwealth University.  They explored career options around which to build degree programs in administration, exercise science, and photography.  The emerging theme was the ability to create personal futures through self-determination and problem-solving.

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