‘With Hope to Help Ourselves and Others’: The Impact of Disabled People’s Organisations on the Lives of Persons with Disability in Uttarakhand, North India

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Michelle Leung
Alexandra Devine
Lawrence Singh
Teem-Wing Yip
Nathan Grills


Disabled People’s Organisations, Inclusion, Persons with Disabilities


This study conducted in Uttarakhand, North India aims to contribute evidence on the effectiveness of Disabled People’s Organisations in a low and middle-income context. Key domains reported by participants included: increased social connectedness, personal development, livelihood, improved sense of community, and participation within the family.

Creative Commons License
‘With Hope to Help Ourselves and Others’: The Impact of Disabled People’s Organisations on the Lives of Persons with Disability in Uttarakhand, North India by Michelle Leung, Alexandra Devine, Lawrence Singh, Teem-Wing Yip, & Nathan Grills is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://rdsjournal.org. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.rds.hawaii.edu.

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