The Intersections of Culture, Disability, and Shame: The Experiences of Emerging Adults with Developmental Disabilities and their Families in South Korea

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Mina C. Chun
Dianne L. Ferguson


Emerging Adulthood, Developmental Disabilities, South Korea, Transition


Every cultural group has its cultural values and beliefs, which influence experiences of their citizens. This study analyzes how culture and shame affect the lives of emerging adults (ages 18–26) with developmental disabilities and their families in South Korea, especially during the transition from early childhood to emerging adulthood.

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The Intersections of Culture, Disability, and Shame: The Experiences of Emerging Adults with Developmental Disabilities and their Families in South Korea by Mina C. Chun & Dianne L. Ferguson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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