E-Mentoring Across National Boundaries

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Juan Martin Botero


technology, mentoring, youth with disabilities


Computer-based mentorship, or e-mentorship, is a beneficial mentoring technique that promotes independence and self-efficacy among the individuals being mentored, with and without a disability1 (McDonald, Balcazar & Keys, 2005; Smith, 2008; Stumbo et al., 2010). E-mentorship increases and broadens the individual's communication and social skills and increases knowledge about overcoming community participation barriers. It also increases the visibility of individuals with disabilities by integrating them with the non-disabled, and allowing both sides to share views and experiences. Before introducing face-to-face programs, introducing an e-mentoring program will help build and empower youth2 with disabilities in one country by using an existing mentor group based in a different country and the active resources of a traditional mentorship program committed to these activities. E-mentoring has the potential to expand mentorship programs from more economically developed western industrialized countries (such as UK or USA) to developing countries: across boundaries.

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