Barriers to Education for People with Disabilities in Bekaa, Lebanon

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Samantha Wehbi


Lebanon, education, disability rights


This paper presents the findings of a recent study on the educational situation of people with disabilities in Lebanon.  The main findings of a survey conducted with 200 participants in the impoverished rural Bekaa region illustrate the inadequate educational situation of people with disabilities.  The focus of the paper is on a discussion of the barriers that people with disabilities face in pursuing their education.  Participants identified the following difficulties in pursuing their education: educational system barriers, inadequate finances, health issues, transportation difficulties, and family pressures.  Although the focus of the article is not on factors that can facilitate educational achievement, some of these supports are identified, including family support and personal motivation.  The article concludes with a discussion of current and planned community responses such as the development of an interdisciplinary community action network (The Inclusion Network), the provision of literacy courses, and a pilot project to foster the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream schools. 

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