Pioneering Access for Those with Environmental Sensitivities: An Interview with Susan Molloy

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Lauren G. Sledd
Sahisna Suwal
Pamela Reed Gibson


environmental sensitivities, exposure, chemical sensitivity


Chemical and electrical sensitivities are often invisible disabilities. Those with electrical hypersensitivity experience symptoms that result from exposure to a variety of sources of electromagnetic fields and radiation, including electrical appliances, florescent lights, computers, and cell phones and their towers. Most research has been conducted in the area of chemical sensitivity; persons with chemical sensitivities experience a wide range of negative disabling reactions to common chemicals such as fragrances, pesticides, paints, cleaners, and exhaust fumes. Recent findings indicate that chemical sensitivity is found world-wide and crosses lines of gender, race, and age.  Susan Molloy has been advocating for persons with environmental sensitivities since 1983.  In this interview, Lauren Sledd put questions to Molloy to illuminate the history of her pioneering advocacy.

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