Becoming Aware of One’s Own Biased Attitude: The Observer’s Encounter with Disability in Chris Ware’s Acme Novelty Library no. 18

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Nina Heindl


contemporary art, comics, aesthetics of reception


This art historical treatment of the graphic novel Acme Novelty Library no. 18 investigates the particular manner of its representation of disability. With reference to theory of body and also theory of images, this study shows that the reading observer is confronted with his/her social and cultural imprint in the process of examining the graphic novel.


Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Figure 7:

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Figure 9:

Image Credits

Fig. 1. First double page in Acme Novelty Library no. 18, 2007. Montréal (Québec): Drawn and Quarterly n.p. © 2014 C. Ware

Fig. 2. Next double page in ANL no. 18. n.p. © 2014 C. Ware

Fig. 3. Detail of the double page in fig. 2 (right page, n.p.). © 2014 C. Ware

Fig. 4. Marc Quinn. Stuart Penn, 2000. Marble, 160h x 98w x 54d cms, courtesy: Marc Quinn studio

Fig. 5. Marc Quinn. Alison Lapper Pregnant, 2005. Marble, 355h x 180.5w x 260d cms, Trafalgar Square, London. Photo: Marc Quinn studio

Fig. 6. Left page in ANL no. 18. n.p. © 2014 C. Ware

Fig. 7. Right page in ANL no. 18. n.p. © 2014 C. Ware

Fig. 8. Next right page in ANL no. 18. n.p. © 2014 C. Ware

Fig. 9. Next right page in ANL no. 18. n.p. © 2014 C. Ware

Abstract 558 | PDF Downloads 190 Word Downloads 183 Text Downloads 182 Fig. 1: First double page in "Acme Novelty Library no. 18" Downloads 0 Fig. 2: Next double page in "ANL no. 18" Downloads 0 Fig. 3: Detail of the double page in fig. 2 Downloads 0 Fig. 4: Stuart Penn Downloads 0 Fig. 5: Alison Lapper Pregnant Downloads 0 Fig. 6: Left page in "ANL no. 18" Downloads 0 Fig. 7: Right page in "ANL no. 18" Downloads 0 Fig. 8: Next right page in "ANL no. 18" Downloads 0 Fig. 9: Next right page in "ANL no. 18" Downloads 0


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