Book Review: Hotel Ritz-Comparing Mexican and U.S. Street Prostitutes: Factors in HIV/AIDS Transmission and Book Review: Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS: Mending Fractured Selves

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J. Gary Linn
Carol Bompart




Title: Hotel Ritz-Comparing Mexican and U.S. Street Prostitutes: Factors in HIV/AIDS Transmission

Author: David J. Bellis, Ph.D.

Reviewers: J. Gary Linn & Carol Bompart 

Publisher: The Haworth Press, 2003

ISBN 0-7890-1776-8, 128 pp.

Cost: $18.00 USD

Title: Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS: Mending Fractured Selves

Author: Desirée Ciambrone, Ph.D.

Publisher: The Haworth Press, 2003

ISBN 0-7890-1758-X, 213 pp.

Cost: $20.00 USD


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