Are Britain’s Higher Education Institutions Prepared for Prosecution in September 2005 Due to Their Lack of Disabled Access?

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Graham Farrell
Emily Godson


disabled access, higher education, SENDA


"In September 2005, Britain’s higher education institutions become liable to prosecution if a student or staff member believes there to be disability discrimination relating to access to buildings, facilities and other areas. This is because the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA) made educational institutions responsible for implementing Part IV of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA). This research note presents a case study constituting an audit of one university. Finding that, despite a programme of access, the university lacks many features that would be expected, the study is offered as a shot across the bows to administrators in UK higher education institutions..."
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Building Regulations - Approved document M. (2004). Access to and Use of Buildings. Retrieved July 21, 2005, from

Disability Rights Commission. (2002). Code of Practice for Providers of Post-16 Education and Related Services. London: The Stationery Office.

National Foundation for Educational Research (2003). The implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act Part IV in educational establishments: Some evidence from case studies. A report from the National Foundation for Educational Research for the Disability Rights Commission.