The Lived Experience of People with Disabilities During COVID-19

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Sandra Fitzgerald
Julie Chronister
Cristina Cabiles
Tori Thomas
Qi Michael Zheng


COVID-19 pandemic, people with disabilities, qualitative research, content analysis


Aim: This study sought to understand the lived experiences of people with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: Our study disseminated a Qualtric survey which included an open-ended question, “Please describe in your own words your experience with COVID-19.” and solicited open textual responses about the lived experience of people with disabilities. This study focuses on the textual data that was analyzed using inductive content analysis (Elo & Kyngas, 2008). Results: Nine themes were described including social isolation, social responsibility, returning home, barriers to resources, job loss, positive impacts, academic impacts, emotional and physical impacts, and adjustment and coping. Discussion: Our findings reveal the unique challenges and impact the pandemic and related lockdown measures had on people with disabilities. Conclusions/Implications: Findings from this study offer an important perspective – people with disabilities need to be included in larger public policy and responses to crises such as a pandemic. Fostering mutual aid and support among people with disabilities to increase their resilience in times of crisis is encouraged.

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