Latest Issue is now available Volume 12 Issue 2 & 3

Volume 12 Issue 3
Disability & Aging: International Perspectives

Dr. Aubrecht & Dr. Krawchenko, Guest Editors
Population aging is taking place in nearly all countries across the globe. Within current research and policy, the relationship between disability and aging is often oversimplified and underdeveloped. Disability is assumed to be a product of unsuccessful aging, and aging as an obstacle to living well with a disability.

This special issue of The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal (RDS) features eight original articles that analyze how disability and aging appear within research and policy in Canada, the United States, Australia and Switzerland. The articles in this international collection use interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the relationship between disability and aging in its complexity. They expose and challenge age and disability related myths and misconceptions and reconsider why global population matters.

Volume 12 Issue 3 | Table of Contents


Old and Disabled - Disabled and Old
Megan Conway, PhD, Associate Editor for Research and Essays


Disability and Aging: International Perspectives
Katie Aubrecht, PhD, Forum Editor, Tamara, PhD, Author

Research Articles

Aging and Disability: The Paradoxical Positions of the Chronological Life Course
Amanda Grenier, Meredith Griffin, Colleen McGrath

Securing Personal Input From Individuals Aging with Intellectual Disability: Do Differing Methodologies Produce Equivalent Information?
Stuart Wark, Miranda Cannon-Vanry, Marie Knox, Marie Pamenter, Rafat Hussain, Matthew Janicki, Chez Leggatt-Cook, Meaghan Edwards, Trevor Parmenter.

To Include or Not to Include Them? Realities, Challenges and Resistance to the Participation of People with Disabilities in Senior's Organizations
Emile Raymond and Nadine Lacroix

Compulsory Youthfulness: Intersections of Ableism and Ageism in "Successful Aging" Discourses
Hailee M. Gibbons

Coverage of Aging Well of Individuals Aging with a Disability in Canadian Newspapers: A Content Analysis
Gregor Wolbring and Bushra Abdullah

"My Body Feels Old": Seniors' Discursive Constructions of Aging-as-Disabling
Yvonne R. Teems

'No Longer Disabled' - Reflections on a Transitional Process Between Disability and Aging in Switzerland
Francesca Rickli

The Becoming Subject of Dementia
Katie Aubrecht and Janice Keefe

Notes From the Field

Working Group: "Reframing Interventions in Mathematics Education: Critical Perspectives
James Sheldon

Disability Studies Dissertation Abstracts