Open Call for Papers

 Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal

Papers Due January 31st, 2021

The Review of Disability Studies (RDS) is an anonymous peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal that is targeted towards any person interested in disability studies. We are honored to  have readers and authors from all over the world. We accept submissions in English of a scholarly nature covering a range of disciplines within disability studies as well as creative works expressing ideas in the area of disability. Additionally, as part of our Global Perspective on Disability initiative (by Associate Editors S. Kazemi and H. Karah), we will be publishing two native language submissions in each issue. 

While submissions are not limited to such, we continue to welcome submissions that address the ways in which the current pandemic has impacted our practices, our lives, and the ways in which we collectively conceive of (and experience) disability.

Submission process:

Papers should be submitted to the online portal. Directions to submit are as follows:

1 Create an account by clicking on “REGISTER” at

2 Log into your account with your username and password.

3 Submit your manuscript by clicking “NEW SUBMISSION” at 

4    Follow all directions as stated. A confirmation email will be sent, acknowledging receipt.

About the RDS Journal:

RDS Submission and Author Guidelines may be found at:

As always, we also welcome work in other forms of expressions, including but not limited to poems and visual art.

Questions may be directed to: [email protected]