RDS Now Online Volume 13 Issue 4 :: Cripping Care: Care Pedagogies and Practices Special Forum
Posted on 2017-12-01Volume 13, Issue 4 Table of Contents
Is this a Marriage or a Carriage?
Megan A. Conway, Ph.D., RDS Editor-in-Chief
Hawaii, USA
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_816
Thoughts of “care” and “marriage” were floating around in my head as I was floating around in the pool. I think about marriage a lot, partially because I am married (surprise, surprise), and partially because in my insecure moments (or when I am mad at my husband) I obsess over the role of care in my marriage. Who is taking care of who? What is “normal care” in our marriage, and what is “crip care”? I am deafblind so I don’t drive (not legally anyway)…
Cripping Care: Care Pedagogies and Practices Special Forum
Cripping Care: Care Pedagogies and Practices
Guest Editors: Patty Douglas, Ph.D., Brandon University, Carla Rice, University of Guelph, and Christine Kelly, Ph.D., University of Manitoba
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_779
Any attempt to understand or take up “care” in its lived, philosophical and political aspects is a slippery affair. If nothing else, feminist, disability and care scholars and activists converge around the vitality of care. Care is fundamental to being and becoming human together. It encompasses the intimate, fleshy and mundane exchanges between bodies engaged in everyday affects and acts—of giving and receiving, of living and growing, of teaching and learning—that are fraught with ethical complexity….
Too Much or Too Little? Paradoxes of Disability and Care Work in India
Nandini Ghosh, Ph.D., & Supurna Banerjee, Ph.D., Institute of Development Studies Kolkata
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_749
The notion of care often normalizes within it violence that can have devastating effects on the lives of disabled people. Cripping care critiques the normalization of such notions of care. This paper articulates this paradox of care within the lived experiences of disabled girls and their mothers as primary carers. Through extensive case studies of young, disabled girls and their carers in villages of West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Odisha in India—where abject poverty, lack of resources, and a dearth of sensitized social relationships remain entrenched…
Meghann Elizabeth O'Leary, University of Illinois Chicago
Illinois, USA
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_751
This paper seeks to intervene in mental health discourses of self-determination as well as disability studies discourses concerning care. Attending to the material, gendered, and racialized individual care needs of living, cooking, cleaning, working, and raising children is an affirmative step towards alleviating the difficulties in navigating mental distress and treatment for white women and, especially, women of color in the global north…
What is a Service Animal? A Careful Rethinking
Margaret Price, Ohio State University
Ohio, USA
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_757
I argue that the discursive tactics used to maintain a clear boundary between “legitimate” and “illegitimate” service animals rely on a set of assumptions that perpetuate unequal relations of power, and ultimately harm others (human and nonhuman alike). In support of this argument, I outline my theory of crip spacetime, which draws upon the material feminist notion that disability is an intersectional and emergent phenomenon, becoming (rather than being) through intra-active environments. Thinking through the ontology of service animals and their human companions in terms of crip spacetime demands…
Teaching and Care: Cripping Fieldwork in Teacher Education
Susan Baglieri, Ph.D., & Jessica Bacon, Ph.D., Montclair State University
New Jersey, USA
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_753
Providing teacher candidates early and ongoing opportunities to learn their profession by participating in school settings is often posed as a way to improve their preparedness for becoming teachers. Two problems of “fieldwork,” however, are the limited access to settings in which inclusive education is practiced and the milieu of special education in the US that emphasizes ableist assertions of independence, support, and conventional notions of care, especially for youth characterized as intellectually disabled. We present an overview of the establishment of a “cripped” fieldwork experience for early program teacher candidates enrolled in a required undergraduate course…
A Question & Answer with Helen S. Cohen, Filmmaker of States of Grace
Raphael Raphael, Ph.D., RDS Associate Editor of Creative Works and Multimedia
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_806
This article provides a brief discussion with the filmmaker Helen S. Cohen about her process creating States of Grace, a documentary that, over the course of four years, documents the rehabilitation of a physician critically injured in a car crash. The article including what Cohen has learned about disability in the process, the remarkable reactions…
Creative Works
Cancer Kung Fu: Fighting Back Through Writing and Drawing
Anna Faroqhi, Transart Institute
Visit http://bit.ly/RDSJ_804
Faroqhi describes the ways in which writing and drawing her graphic novel Krebs Kung Fu (Cancer Kung Fu) served as powerful coping mechanism during her diagnosis and subsequet treatment for cancer…
Dissertation & Abstracts v13i4
Jonathan Erlen, Megan Conway
Visit http://bit.ly/RDS_809
#Disability #DisabilityStudies #CDS #RDSJ #Journal #Academic #Care #Cripping #FeministDisabilityStudies #Ferminiation #SelfDetermination #Psychiatric #ServiceAnimal #Ethics #Spacetime #Teacher #Education #FieldExperience #GraphicNovel #Rehabilitation #DocumentaryFilm #Dissertations #Abstracts #Gender