Call for Special Issue Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal

Dismantling Ableism: The Moral Imperative for Leaders

Cochran-Smith describes a social justice framework as one that "actively address[es] the dynamics of oppression, privilege, and isms, [and recognizes] that society is the product of historically rooted, institutionally sanctioned stratification along socially constructed group lines that include race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability [among others] (Cochran-Smith, 2009). Furthermore, social justice educational leaders address the needs of youth who are marginalized with these identities (Dantley & Tillman, 2006; Frattura & Capper, 2007; Scheurich & Skrla, 2003; Theoharis, 2007).  

While the literature on leadership preparation does address the structural strategies that leaders should use (Frattura & Capper, 2007; Scheurich & Skrla, 2003; Theoharis, 2007), this special volume more directly speaks to how Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory can be used in concert in that preparation.

How do we prepare leaders to address both institutional ableism and racism in systems such as discipline and disability classification? How do educational leaders take on activist roles for inclusion and social justice? What does the future of leadership look like when exploring issues through an intersectionality lens? What do other professional university preparation programs, such as Health, Policy, Human Services do to cultivate the moral and ethical leadership necessary to change existing systems?

The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal (RDS) seeks proposals for the special forum, “Disability and Leadership Preparation: The Moral Imperative.”

The deadline for submission of papers is October 1, 2017. Papers should be submitted to the online portal. Directions to submit are as follows:

  1. Create an account by clicking on "REGISTER" at
  2. Log into your account with your username and password.
  3. Submit your manuscript by clicking "NEW SUBMISSION" at
  4. In the question "Select the appropriate section for this submission" select "Forum - Dismantling Abelism: The Moral Imperative for Leaders"
  5. Follow all directions as stated. A confirmation email will be sent, acknowledging receipt.

Papers should be approximately 4000 words and must follow the RDS Author Guidelines

Topics and questions related to this CFP on critical disability and leadership may include:

  • Leadership as imaginative, creative and the work of possibility
  • Indigenous epistemologies, ontologies and leadership pedagogies and practices.
  • Disability studies and critical race theory analyses of neoliberalism’s focus on leading for college and career readiness.
  • Discipline and the politics of ableism and racism.
  • Disrupting the narratives of anger and ‘madness’, disorderly behavior and pathological disorder.
  • Intersections of ableism and Whiteness in instructional leadership

Submissions to this special issue will undergo a process of peer-review. Authors will be notified of whether their papers will be invited for consideration in the forum by January 1, 2018. Final manuscripts are due by March1, 2018 and the issue will be published online in July, 2018.

Prospective authors are encouraged to consult the RDS website at for more information about the journal and its formatting guidelines. Authors are encouraged to review previous issues of RDS in preparing their paper and to subscribe to the journal. Please note that initial acceptance of an article does not guarantee publication in RDS. RDS is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, international journal published by the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. The journal contains research articles, essays, creative works and multimedia relating to the culture of disability and people with disabilities.

We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions, please contact the special issue editors Dr. Holly Manaseri at [email protected] or Dr. Josh Bornstein at [email protected].