Disability and Diversity Studies Courses Summer 2017
Posted on 2017-03-31Disability and Diversity Studies Courses Summer 2017
DIS 682: Disability History and Culture: From Homer to Hip Hop
Summer 1: May 22-June 30
CRN: 91976 | 3 Credits
Instructor: Steven Brown, [email protected]
Course Description: This course encourages students to consider disability history and culture in the context of our wider society. Who were the Greeks who created their own society for veterans with disabilities? Was a 13th century Mali warrior, born with disabilities, the basis for the story of "The Lion King"? How does Kalaupapa fit into the history of disabilities? What does Hip Hop have to do with disability culture?
DIS 687: Disability in Film and Media
Summer 1: May 22-June 30
CRN: 91978 | 3 Credits
Instructor Raphael Raphael [email protected]
Course Description: Students in this online course will view and respond to a series of films that portray disability with the following aims: (1) to interrogate their own assumptions about disability; (2) to deepen their historical understanding of the ways in which the "grammar" of film has shaped depictions of disability; and (3) to consider the ways in which these images may dialog with the ways we think about disability.
DIS 687: Universal Design in Higher Education
Summer 2: July 3-August 11
CRN: 91977 | 3 Credits
Instructor: Sheryl Burgstahler [email protected]
Course Description: Take this asynchronous online class to learn how postsecondary education can benefit from a culture shift toward the full inclusion of students with disabilities in all aspects of college life. Students will engage in lively discussions about new approaches that may dramatically increase the success of students with disabilities. It covers history, definitions, attitudes, approaches to access, and legal issues worldwide regarding the intersection between disability and higher education.
DIS 682: Technology to Support Literacy for ELL
Summer 2/Fall 2017: July 3 - October 15 (Outreach Extension Course)
Instructor: Mautumua Porotesano [email protected]
Course Description: This course is appropriate for anyone interested in exploring the potential technology offers for teaching and learning, regardless of prior teaching or technological experience. Computer technology is changing the way we teach, offering educators effective ways to reach different types of learners and to assess student understanding through multiple means.