Enjoy an international melody of disability studies research, creative works, and best practices in the latest Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, Volume 14,  Issue 4. With the growth of disability studies, this issue highlights researchers & experts from France, Guatemala, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, and the United States. Read more at http://bit.ly/RDSv14i4.

Published: 2018-12-13


An Entry for the Irish Sporting Pages: Remember Susan O’Hara

Megan Conway
Abstract 530 | Word Downloads 148 PDF Downloads 114 TXT Downloads 141

Research Articles and Essays

Disability Policy and Wheelchair Users’ Accessibility in Jordan

Mohammad Ali Mulazadeh, Talal Soliman Alharbi
Abstract 602 | Word Downloads 176 PDF Downloads 263 TXT Downloads 172

Can We Say They are Also Beautiful? Disability is Not a Curse

Mahtab Ahmad
Abstract 797 | Word Downloads 260 PDF Downloads 200 TXT Downloads 187

Aversive Ableism: Modern Prejudice Towards Disabled People

Carli Friedman
Abstract 4460 | Word Downloads 228 PDF Downloads 1316 TXT Downloads 187

Parents With and Without Disabilities: Demographics, Material Hardship, and Program Participation

Rajan Anthony Sonik, Susan L Parish, Monika Mitra, Joanne Nicholson
Abstract 1324 | Word Downloads 170 PDF Downloads 429 TXT Downloads 153

Creative Works

On Dance and Aging: An Interview with Berlin-Based Researcher-Dancer Susanne Martin

Raphael Raphael
Abstract 835 | Word Downloads 150 PDF Downloads 126 TXT Downloads 156

Stories Our Bodies Tell: The Phenomenology of Anecdotes, Comings Out, and Embodied Autoethnographies

Slava Greenberg
Abstract 790 | Word Downloads 223 PDF Downloads 212 TXT Downloads 237

Global Perspective on Disability Studies

Dissertation & Abstracts v14i4

Abstract 545 | Word Downloads 141 PDF Downloads 91 TXT Downloads 124