Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, Volume 15, Issue 3 Disability and Shame Special Issue Forum: Creative Works Liminality Lisa Boskovich, MS Chapman University California, United States Abstract: The shame surrounding the construct of disability strikes at the very context of an individual's soul. The overcoming of shame associated with a learning disability diagnosis is a journey. To be free requires the inner looking into the core of self, once viewed and acknowledged healing enters. In this journey the individual is held by hands greater than their own. The path of healing is an individual passage and choice. Liminality Wraps the tide, Passing through my fingertips. Slowly and gently, After weeks, Of rough seas, Hard fought dreams, And mixed memories. Drought filled, Writing weeks, And cried tears. This gray state, Continues to challenge, Sweeping past, Inner victories, And passed over notions, Of grace handed, And grace received. For the foundation of self, Ever is it changing. Invited guests, Challenge the circumference, Of an ever- widening circle. My soul calls, Home. Lisa Boskovich, M.S., is a Doctoral Candidate in the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies at Chapman University in Orange, California with an emphasis in Disability Studies. Her research interests include, fathers who have a child on the autism ---PAGE 1--- spectrum, and the phenomenological master narratives of individuals with learning disabilities. Lisa is currently working as a Research Assistant at the Thompson Policy Institute on Disability and Autism. Liminality by Lisa Boskovich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at ---PAGE 2---