REVIEW OF DISABILITY STUDIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, Volume 15, Issue 3 Disability and Shame Special Issue Forum: Creative Works Who am I as it Relates to LD? David Isaac Hernández-Saca, PhD University of Northern Iowa Iowa, United States Abstract: The poem, Who am I as it Relates to LD?, is the fourth of five Learning Disability poems about my Learning Disability shame at my intersections of power and identity in educational contexts as critical autoethnographic texts. Who am I as it Relates to LD? What is my LD knowledge, self, ethics, and origin? Immigrating to the U.S. crossing the Rio Grande On top of my brother's shoulder Cold water, leaving civil war = my family's immigration origin story Growing up bilingual at home; English only and nation building policy Erasure of humanity Erasure of allowing me to be me LD is nested with our sociology and humanity However, why this deep seated trauma and LD shAMe LD as double-edged sword LD emotions experienced as negative Not considered at my core-a good thing I am NOT LD I am NOT LD shAMe However, broken as if I AM LD SHAME WHAT A SHAME, NOT ORIGINATED INSIDE ME David I. Hernández-Saca, PhD, is an assistant professor at the University of Northern Iowa and the nucleus of his research agenda is problematizing the common sense assumptions of what learning disabilities are as it relates to the following lines of research: 1) the emotional impact of learning disability labeling on conceptions of self; 2) the role of emotions and affect in teacher learning about social justice issues, and 3) transition plans and programming for historically marginalized youth with disabilities at their intersections and their families. Lastly, Dr. Hernández-Saca examines violence within the academy against historically multiply marginalized and non-hegemonic scholars at their intersections of power and identities for their wellbeing and healing. ---Page 1--- Who am I as it Relates to LD? by David Isaac Hernández-Saca is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at ---PAGE 2---