An Outcome Evaluation Study of the UConn online graduate courses of the Certificate of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies in Public Health

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Tara Lutz
Mary Beth Bruder


Disability, Public Health, Education


Healthy People 2020 addresses the need to increase disability-specific content in public health education. In 2014 the University of Connecticut (UConn) Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities developed an online, interdisciplinary, graduate certificate in disability studies. Eighteen students provided evaluation data on the effectiveness of the Certificate as described in this article. Majority of participants reported applying knowledge gained in their other courses while half recommended a disability certificate course to others. Of those participants who are currently employed, 75% reported applying knowledge gained to carry out their current work position. Some students responded that at least a course like these with disability-specific content should be mandated for any health-related graduate program. Future implications for these findings include expanding disability-specific content across public health program curricula to increase the capacity of the future workforce to serve people with disabilities.

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An Outcome Evaluation Study of the UConn Online Graduate Courses of the Certificate of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies in Public Health by Tara Lutz & Mary Beth Bruder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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