Three Dimensions in the Register of Shame

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Jean-Pierre Tabin
Monika Piecek
Céline Perrin
Isabelle Probst


Swiss Disability Insurance, shame, vocational rehabilitation


This article highlights the ways in which people with disabilities who have recently been involved in programs set up by the Swiss compulsory Disability Insurance (DI) refer to the register of shame in their discourse. It pinpoints three dimensions of this register: social position, social judgment and mirror-effect and shows that while referrals to shame do not constitute a direct challenge of ableist hierarchies, they do displace the meanings attached to disability.

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Three Dimensions in the Register of Shame by Jean-Pierre Tabin, Monika Piecek, Céline Perrin, & Isabelle Probst is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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