Book Review Title: Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities Author: Cary Griffin & David Hammis Publisher: Paul H. Brookes, 2003 Paper, ISBN: 1-55766-652-0, 242 pp. Cost: $35.00 USD Reviewer: Steven E. Brown The authors have drawn on their extensive experiences working with individuals living on SSI and SSDI to create an excellent handbook about self-employment while working within the Social Security system. On first going through the book I was disappointed that more was not included for those on SSDI. I emailed one of the coauthors, David Hammis, and we began a lengthy and interesting email exchange. David indicated while more information about SSDI was needed, there was also more about SSDI in the book than I realized. More importantly, in the course of our conversations I wondered if he would respond to other readers with questions and he enthusiastically welcomed such correspondence. My other major criticism of the book was I could find virtually nothing on what someone would do if they could not obtain, or afford, health insurance and did not have both Medicare and Medicaid. Dave agreed this was a serious issue and thought it should be addressed in future editions. Having said all that, I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to become self-employed. The authors provide a detailed process, and many examples, for how to do this. Chapters include, “Person-Centered Business Planning,” “Business Feasibility,” and “Marketing and Sales Tactics.” Each chapter offers glossaries of terms, textual content and interpretations, and examples of actual individuals the authors have assisted to develop successful self-employment strategies. Forms and resources are also included as separate chapters. Anyone on SSI and SSDI who wants to become self-employed, or those working with such individuals, would benefit from having this book as part of their library.