Thunderous Ode Leslie G. Roman **Editor’s Note: Copyright 2009, Leslie Roman, all rights reserved. Inside a sinkhole, Dark, grasping, Restless thunder, Thunderous clouds Tumble, no scatter, scatter, ska, sca, sku, stutter, My words fall apart, sentences, Scribbled on a tattered page, Tumble from the sky, Fall to earth, scatter, ska, ssssca, sku, stutter, stuck in My throat, what am I trying to say after all? How much more--much more I work to be? There will be no chicken soup for me This time, there will be no harmony, No relief Repetition of darkness, Dark moon, No hands, No sky No horizon, Just horizontal space, Not an enviable slumber party Flat vision, the plains cannot match this flat sadness A knee fidgets, Oh, dear psychiatrist, you don’t say!: “Her knee fidgets anxiously”, Like a moving pendulum, a steel-like ruler in the sky Swings to measure the extraordinary, The Thunder, the lightening, the bolts that short circuit And through excess swallow the body into a deep cavernous Sleep without slumber, a waking pulse that disorganizes memory, Feeling and affect, come apart Did I mention the thunder? Ska, sccss, scissor, Wish I could scissor out this bleakness Dear Vincent, Van Gogh, of course, Please don’t insult my intelligence And tell me that your depression brought you The Starry Night or the Sun Flowers It must have been The Potato Eaters That seared my head in half Weight 88 lbs. Eat now, die later, Reach into the survivor backpack, Pull out the old protein ice cream milkshakes Till death do us not part But the scale sings a slightly more weighty tune. Inside a sinkhole A small crackle of light, Criss-crosses the consciousness Hope rises in the moon That one hand touches another To reach the moon Dear Mr. Van Gogh and Ms. Sylvia Plath, Where there is no Bell Jar, There is at least art A glimmer of moonlight Against the dark, We author our own books, Tumble as they do from the sky to the beach below, To frolic with the geckos Alongside lizards and Next to colors which we welcome like modest Light Tea candles--a different starry night Than you imagined, Vincent. Than imagined you, Vincent. Author’s Artistic Statement: Before her major depression she did not think her art would save her life. Now, she gets asked in disbelief when people see the bright colors in her paintings, "Funny, your paintings don't look like you were depressed" to which she responds: "Why should I have to paint colors that continue to depress me? These paintings are part of series of five entitled “Depression ? Work: Faultlines in Productivist Citizenship”. Painting is not only a way of being connected to the world, it also a way of being outside the sphere of judgment. Geckos are a symbol of transformation and disability culture is transformative.