Book Review: Professional Helper: The Fundamentals of Being a Helping Professional

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Mari Ono


care giver, disability studies, helper


Author:  Bryan, Willie V.

Reviewer: Mari Ono

Publisher: Charles C. Thomas Ltd., Springfield, IL, 2009

Cost: Hardback, $51.95; Paper, $31.95; 220 pages

ISBN:  978-0-398-07889-8 (hardback); 978-0-398-07890-4 (paperback)

Cost: Hardback, $51.95; Paper, $31.95; 220 pages


Abstract 158 | PDF Downloads 202 Word Downloads 80 Text Downloads 96


Kirst-Ashman, K, & Hull. G. H., Jr. (2002) Understanding generalist practice (3rd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.